Puntland wakes up to futility of parallel forces

A human as well as a political calamity of the highest order that has only exposed

A) the deep fissures and weak foundations of the polity that is Puntland.
B) the lure of the seat in Villa Somalia to the point where you cant see the forest for the trees
C) Plain and simple incompetence & indecisiveness with no foresight about the consequences both human and economic and the optics around the world if this endeavour fails!
D) Who’s the boss? Is the constitution worth the paper its written on?

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This guy might be satire most of the time, but he makes some poignant if a little biased points about what took place!

We know them very well but they fool those in Mogadishu with this fake superfluous of an entity.

Each subclan has its own armed group whose only purpose is to protect the clan’s interests vs the other subclans.

The same goes for South Somalia, all these Haramacad, Gorgor etc is just another name for some warlord representing a clan interest.

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The former Speaker of Puntland said it all.

Back to square one.


Puntland State traditional leaders ruled the reinstatement of PSF Commander as the solution to the stand-off in Bosaso.

Bosaso (PP News Desk) — A group of traditional leaders led by Boqor Burhan has issued a ruling on the stand-off in Bosaso between Puntland Security Force and Puntland government forces.

The ruling urges Puntland State President to reinstate Brigadier General Mohamud Osman as the Commander of Puntland Security Force. The traditional leaders have proposed a reconciliation conference for PSF and Puntland State President to thrash out differences.

President Said Abdullahi Deni said he would respect the decision of the traditional leaders to end the stand-off.

They recommended the Islamic sharia to the basis for addressing casualties and damages resulted in by clashes between the two forces.

PSF will retain its status along with other security apparatuses in Puntland if President Deni agrees to traditional leaders’ ruling.

Meanwhile, the traditional leaders called on Puntland State government to abolish the concession agreement signed in 2017 with DP World “for violating the terms of the agreement to develop Bosaso Port”.

“17% of tax revenues from the port should be reinvested in Bosaso” the traditional leaders ruled, in addition to the call to allow for the return of non-governmental organizations that operated in Bosaso.

© Puntland Post, 2022

Ra’isul Wasaarihii hore ee Somalia Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa shaaciyey inuusan waxba kala socon qoraal la sheegay iney wadajir u soo saareen isaga iyo madaxdii hore ee Puntland.

Qoraalkan oo ay ku saxiixnaayeen Madaxwayneyaashii hore ee Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole iyo C/wali Gaas iyo weliba Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Cumar Cabdirashiid Sharmaarke ayey kaga horjeesteen go’aanadii Isimadii 5-ta ahaa kasoo saareen xalka xiisadda hay’adda PSF ee ka taagneyd Boosaaso.

Wararka kale ee Xiisaha Leh.

Hase ahaatee Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa sheegay in qoraalkan aan lagala tashan.

Cumar Cabdirashiid oo Sheegay ina laga Been abuuray Bayaankii Xalay aysoo Saareen Madaxdii Hore ee Puntland.

“Bayaan loo qaybiyey warb2aahinta laguna sheegay inuu kasoo baxay wafdi aan ku jiray ayaan wax ka oran. Waxaan cadayn inaan la igalana tashan oo aanan qayb ka ahayn Bayaankan soo baxay iyo hadalada uu xambaarsana. Bosaso Dhibka soo gaaray xal iyo baaq nabadeed keliyaa dan u ah” ayuuu yiri Cumar C/rashiid oo qoraal kooban ku soo daabacaday boggiisa Twitterka.

PUNTLAND SECURITY Forces (PSF), once supported by the US has been at loggerheads with the Deni administration. Attempts by Deni to remove its head Mohamed Diyaano resulted in a deadly clash at the Force’s headquarters in Bosaso in 2021. Diyaano was later reinstated.

BREAKING: FIRST Lower House speaker Saadiya Yasin barred from delivering humanitarian supplies by authorities in Bosaso, Puntland. Sources said forces allied to President Abdullahi Deni blocked the Speaker sparking a clash with Puntland Security Forces who backed the Speaker.

Cali garleh, Caydiid garleh…