Somaliland 2022 Presidential Elections

Looks like things are moving again…

Normally we used the local government elections to determine which political parties are popular among the voters at local level. How is the 3 Political parties going to be determined now?

I just think this is the start of another ilamareeso cycle.

We have a golden opportunity to show the world that Somaliland is mature and holds its elections on time. I hope we don’t end up unnecessary delays, specially consider everything is ready for the Presidential elections to take place.

My comments:

Somaliland dantu maanta waxay ugu jirtaa in doorashada Madaxweynaha wakhtigeedi la qabto. All stakeholders and all sides agree on the date which is 13th of November 22 and the laws and regulations for holding the Presidential elections are in place. The money has been allocated.

The only thing missing for the Presidential election is the new round of Voter Registration which is due to start soon.

Doorashada axsaabtu needs a lot of work which among others includes an agreement between the stakeholders, and changes to the “Parties Law”.

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Why has Riyo Raac ousted? He has done a good job thus far.

This could raise a case of conflict of interest as the new head of the Commission hails from the same region/clan as the President. Not too sure how much trust the opposition could place in such person.

But overall, changing the commission’s leadership at this 11th hour when elections are about to be called and also having that new leadership from the same clan as the President’s, it leaves a really bad taste in the back of anyone’s tongue.

This will chart a bad path for our democracy going into the future.

Even though the opposition parties seem to have taken positive stand.

The new chairman should have declined to accept the new role considering the sensitivity of the role.

A conflict of interest is a very real issue when it comes to building trust and integrity of institutions not just for developing countries like Somaliland but also for advanced democracies.

They seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet, so they were satisfied with the process (maybe Riyo Raac had personal or health issues for stepping down). They know the eyes of the world will be on these elections in terms of third party monitors. Waddani are confident of victory they don’t want to waste time with fighting every thing moves (as they have been doing of late) and delaying the elections.
Don’t get me started on the conflict of interest issue. Its so endemic in our society that its our biggest handicap when it comes to progress!

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This is so unSomaliland. What is going on?

The is ridiculous, one of our most competent institutions has been made to look amateurish all of a sudden, as you said very unSomaliland like!

Did the mucarad interview, we just saw happen without them even consulting with the gudoomiye this decision? I like their hands of approach but that’s taking it to the extreme!

Once the news was out it might have just been better to roll with it rather than backtracking. Heck we could have 2 Commissioners!

If they follow laws, processes and procedures, these sort of things would not have happened.

B/c laws and processes make sure you have looked from all angles and procedures are designed so it presents the actions in the best possible way to help the goals of the country.

They always disappoint me with these hacked job of work they do.

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The gloves are off