26 June 1960 - Somaliland Independence Day from United Kingdom

Somaliland’s Independence Day related historic news, pictures, videos and articles.

London Gazette

the Queen
Signin ceremony

Hargeisa 26 June 1960

Foreign Governments send their congratulatory cables to the newly independence state of Somaliland.

UK Gov’t

US Gov’t

Chinese Gov’t

A Diplomatic cable sent by China to Somaliland on the eve of its independence day.


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Side By Side

Somaliland’s independence declaration and Somalia’s Independence declaration.

Attainment of Independence by Somaliland

Independence of Somalia

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Why are we not taking our case to a UN court ?
Their is not even an act of union that is ratified.

Not only the Somaliland Gov’t but also the Somaliland Diaspora could also come together fund an International Court hearing for this issue. It is really an open goal in my opinion.

Somaliland Prime Minister signs independence papers.

Hargeisa 26 June 2022.