Annual Reports of Container Terminals in the region

Salalah Port, Oman. 30% owned by Maersk Group.

2020 Annual Report

Interesting they are big exporters of cement , gypsum and limestone all the things SL has. We have been hearing about Omani company building a cement factory in Somaliland for a few years now. Don’t know if its a good idea for your competitors to get involved in your development. May be they were waiting for the port to complete. Either way I just want the factory built even if just to satisfy domestic demand!

04 July 2019

Somaliland: Oman’s Raysut Cement has agreed to build a 1Mt/yr grinding plant with MSG Group. The project will have an investment of US$40m. Raysut Cement will own 55% of the joint venture with MSG Group holding the remainder. Raysut Cement previously had plans to build a cement terminal in the country with Barwaaqo Cement Company.