Bab al Mandab

In less than a decade the UAE has constructed 3 naval bases at the mouth of the Bab al Mandab.



Mayun Island Yemen

Not to mention the grip they have on Socotra.

This must be bigger than the UAE.

Turks, Russians and China are all vying for positions to project their might in this region. It feels like the Americans are done with Djibouti as Djibouti shifts to China.

Also in the picture are Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Most likely UAE is a front for Israeli and American bases.

Yemen is currently a hot spot for influence. The Iranians seem to have the upper hand at the moment and specially since Bidden came. The Saudis got a bloody noise from their attempt to remove Houthis from Sanaa.

All in all, given Djibouti’s dictatorial regime, Ethiopia’s isolation, Eritrea’s despot, Somalia’s crisis, this plays out favourably to Somaliland advantage in critical geopolitical position. I am very much sure a lot of the map makers and strategist are coming back to Somaliland over and over again.

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