A total of 7 Bridges to be built on Berbera Corridor. These will significantly help reduce death from crossing the dry-rivers during raining season between Hargeisa and Berbera.
Berbera Corridor scenic drive by Seattle based Sallaxley TV. 4K video encoding is a bonus specially when viewing it on a 4K capable Monitor/TV.
Bear in mind this is only phase one of the road rehabilitation, there are another 2 lanes that will follow when these two lanes are complete, making it a 4 lane highway. The makeshift road the traffic is using while the road is being resurfaced will be the second phase.
Are the BBC Somali deliberately useless or just plain incompetent? So much opportunity to report on the scale of the project, how much has been completed (close to 60km btw), the opportunities for the country etc. Instead they talk about the accident rate on the road, which will still happen, even after the completion of the new road, due to the quality of driving.
Why share so much information, which they rarely share to such detail with local networks, and which will not even show up in the report anyway?
It was the same with the BBC’s Berbera port report a couple of months back.
I have really enjoyed watching this video. Horaa loo yidhi gacmo laysku hayo galadi kama dhalato - in this case heshiiskaas midhahan dhalay. Ma istidhaahdee qoladan waynu ka faa’iidnay? Su’aal kale qalabka ma inooga tegayaan, dad a ma inoo tababareen ?
Such poor journalism. What was the report about anyway? was it about Berbera Corridor or road accidents?
The subcontractors are all local. The equipment belong to the subcontractors.
As far as faaiido is concerned, yes in our current circumstances. We have very little options, and they are all not good. This was the best deal as far as Somaliland is concerned, at this moment.
We seem to forget that the Berbera Corridor financing from Abu Dhabi was not a loan as far as I’m aware. So why we should be expecting them to hire locals or subcontractors I have no idea. If they send the expertise or man power to actually build something that will last 50 years or more why compromise it with stipulations from our part, which is what delayed the project, to begin with. Such crucial infrastructural investments should be made as easy as possible, especially when they are “free”.
Abu Dhabi hired a private company to carry out the work so all equipment is theirs. We should be shadowing the civil engineers with our own. This is far more beneficial in the long run than hiring labourers, which is what we are obsessed with of late. Plenty of bridges and roads to build and rehabilitate in the future!
Time lapse footage of one of the bridges being built would be nice or even drone footage.
Trademark East Africa has contracted Transtec to perform a Baseline and an Endline Study of the Berbera Corridor in Somaliland.