Berbera Entrepreneurial City in Fragile Place

Berbera, in Somaliland, is a haven of relative stability. Somaliland in a Horn of Africa region usually linked with pirates and Black Hawk Down (Mogadishu, Somalia) is offering a gateway to the wider East and Central Africa as exploitation of natural resources continues at pace.

However, the vibrancy and entrepreneurial nature of people can be built on. What we are seeing is the need not to exploit and extract alone but to explore the entrepreneurial nature of places like Berbera, Somaliland and further into the hinterland of Ethiopia, South Sudan, CAR, Congo, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. The links are fantastic if the infrastructure was to be developed.

But this is not about simply driving trucks loaded with mineral ores through and delivering relief food in the other direction.

People are entrepreneurial, by design or by default - they want to build and use their talents. This requires an enabling environment, value constellations inside a locally developed economic approach, Local Economic Development, with all key stakeholders engaged and working proactively to deliver more for the wider population. DP World have invested and are looking to do more. Somaliland has invested and wants to do more. Berbera’s Council is leading further support and the Berbera Economic Forum brings together people highly motivated to achieve more for the community.

With Khalid Hassan, Berbera Economic Forum under the leadership of Berbera Municipality with VNG-I support we are pleased to present this opening for the next stages of inclusive growth. Thanks to the European Union and Government of The Netherlands for continued backing.

Together, positive steps to achieve Decent Work. Dignity through inclusion and decent work

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