Berbera to get new a new park by the sea


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That is great.

But I think more than a park, we need a blue print that for the whole city which includes parklands and recreation areas, scenic beach roads…

All the things that cannot be built today but a future government with the budget can progressively build on.

At the moment, if you look at Google Earth, all the key areas that should have been allocated to public use either roads or parks are being claimed and fenced by private people. That is a recipe for future disaster., specially if these private citizens start building where a road should go or where a park or school could have been better suited.



Absolute. We need now an agreed “master town plan”, where all areas of the city are designated. And that way, when Berbera gets the money and the growth the port will bring forth, such as free zone and companies putting a base of operation there, you need a plan to say: “Here is going to be park. Here is going to be theatre. Here is going to be public library. Here is going to be pedestrian roads. Here is going to be market. And here is going to be the residential houses that are not allowed to have any market-like businesses to take place within them”.

Berbera is the only town of the whole of SL that can now planned ahead of time and avoid the curse of Africa, where you see a teeming humanity living in a shantytown next to a gleaming glass tall buildings in the middle of the city center. Just because no one had a master town plan to implement for the speedy growth of the city with its urban population.

As you know, of course, the likes of Hargeisa or even Burco, can’t do that now. Or separate things in the way any livable and hospitable city should be separated in terms of what each part of the city should be orientated to do for the public.

But Berbera can still have that chance or that city-wide outcome. Particularly, if only they start ruthlessly enforcing now a master town plan before a version of a “gold-rush” to this city happens, due to the upcoming economical growth in which this city will no doubt and soon experience it. Once that is the rebuild port of Berbera gets to be opened up for business.

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This is the sort of master plan that Berbera needs today so it doesn’t end up like Hargeisa chaotic unplanned growth trajectory.


Really disappointing pace of projects in Berbera. This and the Batalaale beach redevelopment are going at a snails pace if at all!

Why announce a multitude of projects and finish non? Simple answer elections!

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Nearly 4 years and nothing to show for for this project. This mayor is getting long in the tooth.