Boodhari Mills - Second flour mill in Somaliland

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This project seems to be taking its sweet little time! I think they are located in Abaarso but not sure. A crucial industry never the less, especially if they source the wheat locally!

They were raising funds through share offerings. I think that took the most of time. Which again shows how backward Somaliland people are in terms of creating shared investment companies. We excel in individualised investment efforts but utterly fail when it comes to partnerships and share offerings.

This is why a lot of projects fall short of their promised goals, because at the end it is an individual effort and individual efforts go only so much.

In South Somalia, it is the opposite. They excel in group investments which is why they pull off large scale investments.


T minus 90 days!

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*fixed Youtube link

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Proposal to tax imported flour to protect local flour producers!

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