Captain Zuhur encourages women to join Somaliland Coast Guard

When Zuhur Fathi Muktar joined Somaliland Coast Guard, she was among the first women to join this organization. Now, five years later, Captain Zuhur is the head of Trainings and member of the supervisory committee, and sees herself as a role model for the other women, including the five currently serving in the Coast Guard.

“I know women can work in the Coast Guard, and I’m inspiring them to aim for higher level positions,” Zuhur says.

Zuhur is inspired by the support she gets from the Coast Guard high-level officers. She specifically appreciates the Commander of the Somaliland Coast Guard, General Mohamed Hussein Farah (Hirane), who played a major role in encouraging her to develop herself in her field of work.

Zuhur mentioned that she admires the quality of a woman working for international organizations who support Somaliland Coastguard, but she didn’t mention her by name.

“I am also inspired by a woman working for one of the International partner organizations who occupies high position. Her example motivates me to aim for the highest level at the Coast Guard.’’ Zuhur concludes.

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