Construction of the Burco to Hargeisa road via Oodwayne

This is great news. The two largest cities in Somaliland will finally have a direct road link.

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This road would save anyone who is travelling between East and West of Somaliland both time and fuel. We are talking about cutting the current time by half, and saving at least half the fuel and wear/tear of the vehicle. A huge economic surplus and environment win.

Considering the world is currently gathered in Glasgow, Scotland talking about Global Warming and Climate Change. The Hargeisa - Burco road ticks all the boxes in supporting the Climate agenda.

Glad that Africa Development Bank is onboard to realise this road and make it into a reality.

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It was always a no brainer. Bear in mind we are still talking about a feasibility study! Imagine how many trucks will be using the currently single lane Berbera Corridor and the safety ramifications of sharing that with normal traffic heading East. Bonkers. You can decongest that road by half if the Oodwayne road was built as most traffic goes East.

I think the corridor, the Hargeisa bypass and the Oodwayne road (itself a bypass) should be seen as a package or one project.

Great news. It will benefit the Eastern regions a lot.

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On 12 February, a Tunisian-Somaliland duo will begin a feasibility assessment for the renovation of a 183km stretch of road between Hargeisa, the Somaliland capital, and Burao, the second-largest city.