Drastic drop in Garowe ground water level

In Garowe, there was abnormal drop in ground water level of seven meters between October 2021 and May 2022.

The trend has only continued and looks critical.

This is a steep decline. What happens when it reaches Zero?

This is a steep decline. What happens when it reaches Zero?

Look West? Water trucking.

There is rain forcasted in the next few weeks but not enough to replenish aquifers in the long run if the long term forcasts are anything to go by.

Is it because of the drought, didn’t they get rain a while ago?

This may explain Garowe’s problems. Majority of ground water eventually end up in the sea. That is unless there is aquifer rocks/sands that are causing the water to stay in the same area. This happens in some locations but not everywhere.

The land is almost flat from Ainabo all the way to Garowe. This means the water-shed system to move underground water from high to low, is very slow (if at all moving). This means, the water recharge cycle is very slow.

It’s practically zero as of 30 October.