Hargeisa Bypass

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UK Ambassador launches construction of the Hargeisa bypass

The continued development of the Berbera corridor will ensure that ordinary people from across Somaliland will benefit from inclusive economic development. Future UK support will focus on more efficient cross border trade between Somaliland and Ethiopia including through the use of one-stop border posts, cargo tracking systems and efficient regulation at the border.

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The pace of this project is incredible. The view will be majestic as you drive by the foothills of Naasa Hablood.

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This will be a scenic drive. Just if only the gov’t establishes and overlay preventing buildings keeping the surrounding area full of trees and parkland.

With the amount of hills and mountains Somaliland is blessed with, its a shame locals and visitors don’t take advantage of hiking and cycling!

This fella gets it!


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Sadly that’s never gonna happen, wont be long before the space between those two roads will be developed. Hargeisa is growing fast.

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