Horn of Africa Ports

This vessel from Russia is currently docked at Berbera, it is a huge vessel. What could it be carrying?

The Russians promised to Ethiopia that they were going to help them, could this be carrying military?

Is there any updates on this huge Markab?

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My guess it is carrying grain such as wheat. For at least the last year that I have been paying attention, at least one ship like this one comes from Mykolaiv (Ukraine) once every month or 2 months.

Ukraine has steadily positioned itself among the world’s ten largest wheat producer countries.

Could be WFP shipments for Ethiopia and some will be for Al Wadaniya & Boodhari Mills.


There is a new vessel called the Azzura which has docked at Berbera and is almost twice the DWT of the Bos Brook which we were discussing last week. These ships used to come once a month or two, so to see 3 in the last 4 weeks tells us the demand for grains has increased so much due to the deteriorating conditions in Ethiopia.

The significant thing here is it came from Djibouti. Meaning it dropped some of the grain their and is about to drop more in Berbera. Berbera is coming on to its own.


The Liberty Eagle another huge bulk carrier on its way to Berbera. WFP ramping up operations to Ethiopia, the significant thing here is, its the first ship coming direct from USA (Houston) to SL.



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Any info on when phase 2 will be done?

They’ve started on the Berbera Economic Zone construction. They are also refurbishing the old port. Not sure about when phase 2 or expansion phase will kick off.

World Bank Port Rankings 2021

Regional Ports:

Salalah: 2
Djibouti: 22
Berbera: 160
Mogadishu: 252
Aden: 282
Mombasa: 293

Lamu is not listed: :laughing:

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One of the busiest few weeks I think.

For sure, would love to see the 20 vessel barrier broken Insha Allah.

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If this oil tanker comes to Berbera as the data shows, it would break all records for Berbera port in terms of size of tanker, by about a factor of 10! 15.5 meter draught would also be a record.
