Maamulka Puntland iyo sare u kaca Gaaska

Cabashada bulshada Puntland ee sare u kaca Qiimaha Gaaska, jawaabta Shirkadaha Gaaska, Maamulka iyo Guddiga Joogtada ah ee Baarlamaanka oo fadhi dag dag ah ka yeeshay.

Sare u kac ballaran oo ku yimi Noocyada kala duwan ee Gaaska la shito guud ahaanba deegaannada Puntland ayaa sababay in 24 saac ee la soo dhaafay uu ka bilowday Baraha bulshada diidmo ka soo horjeeda arintaasi, kuwaasi oo ay garwadeen ka yihiin dhallinyaro kala duwani.

Qiimaha Haamaha Gaaska la shito ayaa qiimo ahaan kala duwan, tusaale ahaan Haamaha yar yar waxay ka ahaayeennl Deegaannada Puntland 25 dollar halka kuwa waawayna ay ahaayeen 42 ilaa 43 dolar, hadana waxay qiime ahaan Gaareen 50 dollar taasi oo sababtay cabasho xoogan oo ka timid bulshada qaybaheeda kala duwan.

Shirkadaha ka Ganacsada keenista iyo iibintooda ayaa sheegay in sara u kaca Gaaska la shito ay ka danbayso Maamulka oo canshuurti ku kordhiyay shirkadaha Gaaska, iyana ay bulshada ku dareen.

Wasaaradda Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland oo ka jawaabaysa cabashada xoogan ee ka timid bulshada qaybaheeda ayaa tilmaantay in baaris ay arintaasi ku samaysay ay ku ogaatay in aysan jirin wax canshuur kordhin ah oo ay ku samaysay dowladdu gaaska la isticmaalo, taasi oo jaha wareer kale ku abuurtay bulshada.

Waxaana Baraha bulshada lagu faafiyay olahan oo loogu magac daray 50$ Maya 20$ Haa, waxaana garab socday wicitaan toos ah oo ay bulshadu kula xiriirayeen Madaxda Wasaaradaha ay sida gaarka ah u khusayso arintaani Sida Maaliyadda, Ganacsiga, Deegaanka iyo Arrimaha Gudaha, taasi oo sababtay in Wasaaradaha iyo Wasiirada qaybtood bogaadiyaan dareenka shacabka, xuseena inay jawaab dag dag bixin doonaan.

Guddiga Joogtada ah ee Baarlamaanka Puntland oo dhankiisa ka jawaabaya cabashada bulshada ee la xiriirta sare u kaca Gaaska cuntada ayaa isugu yimid fadhigoodii afaraad ee guddiga, ayna goob joog ka ahaayeen Wasiirka Xanaannada Xoolaha Puntland, Hogaanka IDC iyo Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Puntland kuwaasi oo ay wax ka waydiiyeen Cabashada bulshada ka imaanaysa warar Hoose ayaa iyana sheegaya in Baarlamaanku u yeereen Wasaaradaha sida gaarka ah ugu shaqada leh arintaani.

Marka laysku daro Cabashada Bulshada ee la xiriirta halkii ugu hoosaysay ee Nolashooda, Shirkadaha Gaaska oo sheegay in Canshuur kordhin lagu sameeyay iyo Maamulka Puntland oo arintaasi beeniyay waxay u muuqataa arin kaaf iyo kala dheeri ah, balse Baarlamaanka looga fadhiyo inuu arrintan xal u keeno.

[Redirecting...](https://FB Audio Conference)

Its curious the WFP reports on supply chain never mention the price of gas or petrol in Puntland only mentioning the percentage increases, but always mention the price in Somaliland in slshl. They never want a comparison of the cost of living to occur in real terms. But when Somaliland has a lower metric they go out of their way to mention it.

Its not only tax that accounts for differences. It’s the amount imported and mode of transport, storage facilities etc. Berbera port has an LPG terminal with 1200MT with portable storage tanks. By contrast, the Djibouti LPG terminal is 600MT, making Berbera’s LPG terminal as the largest in the Horn of Africa region. Bosaso has non (to the best of my knowledge).

They are trying to raise taxation but in doing so they are causing more harm. It is the classic case of the economic conundrum: ‘The Diminishing returns’

In this facebook audio conference linked above, some officials from PL have confirmed that they get all their gas from Somaliland. Apparently, Somaliland doesn’t tax Gas - which is an environmental policy to help people switch from charcoal to gas.

Some in the conference call are saying 20kg Gas bottle costs in Hargeisa between 20-24 USD equivalent. While when it reaches Laascaanood it costs around $26. When it crosses the border into PL, it gets taxed and the merchants also add their profits and it is finally sold at markets to the people between $43 - $48. This means, it costs twice as much when sold to the end users in PL when compared to SL market.

This is an economic travesty for PL. It basically means each family or food-outlet in Puntland is at least $20 poorer per bottle of gas, when compared to Somaliland. That is substantial as the cost of living in estimated to be between $1 - $3 per family on average per day.

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