Qatari delegation arrive in Hargeisa

Baffled by this visit at this particular time. Coupled with recent news of Turkish Airlines starting flights to Hargeisa. What do you think is behind it all?

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Yes, it came out of the blue this one.

It must be reverse psychology at work - you ignore someone and they become interested. hmm

Anyway, war jiraa ba cakaara ayuu iman.

Qatar - SL discussed improving relations between the two countries. Qatar interested to open a diplomatic office in Hargeisa.

Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Visits Somaliland

Hargeisa / Information Office / May 04

President of Somaliland Muse Bihi met in Hargeisa with HE Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Counterterrorism and Mediation in Conflict Resolution Dr. Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani and his accompanying delegation, during their visit to Somaliland.

Other news that may be related to this:

It feels like the Western Countries (US/EU particularly) feel their interest in the Horn of Africa has been undermined and the regions’ politics is not inline with theirs. Hence, why they now unleashing huge diplomatic effort to get things right behind the scenes.

The UK has just announced a special envoy to the region, following the recent US announcement. A good thing for Somaliland.

So this is it.

  • They offered to mediate Somaliland and Somalia.
  • They want Qatar Airlines to start flights to Hargeisa
  • They want to establish an office (similar to UAE’s) in Hargeisa
  • They said Qatar’s charity network will start working in Somaliland.