Republic of Somaliland officially opened its Representative Office in Taiwan today

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All we needed was someone to lead the way for us. Hopefully this will have a domino effect and more countries will have the guts to follow Taiwan’s lead.

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Yes, it was good day. Now we need to double up our efforts in Africa, especially some in the Western side of the continent, who really have no “dog of concern” about Somalia’s self-serving argument in regards to Somaliland.

Moreover, I must really emphasise how important it’s to reach that fellow at the White House through Bibi and through UAE (if they are minded to be of “conduit” for us in that way). Given that Mr. Trump doesn’t give a toss or a flying monkey about what the UN says in regards to some alleged “Territorial integrity” of the Somali Republic and about all of the “outdated resolutions” from the UNSC pertaining to that issue.

We have a real window of opportunity now, so I hope Mr. Bihi will grab hold of it in both hands.