Somalia Amb to Kenya walks off from a meeting due Somaliland presence

DEG DEG: Safiirka Soomaaliya ee dalka Kenya Maxamed Tarsan ayaa ka baxay kulan casumaad ah oo Madaxweynaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyata usameeyey safiirada dalkiisa kusugan, ka dib markii ay Dawladda Kenya kulanka kucasuntay xubno kasocda Somaliland, gaar ahaana u qaabilsan dalka Kenya, una aqoonsatay Safiirnimo, sidaas oo kalena lays bar-bardhigay Kuraasta ay fariisanayaan labada dhinac, madasha waxaa lakeenay Calanka Soomaaliya iyo kan Somaliland oo isbarbar-yaala.

Taas oo kadhigan in ay Kenya u aqoonsato Somaliland Dal kamid ah dalalka ay casuntay ee safiirada, taas oo ay kacarootay dawladda Faderaalka.

Safiirka Soomaaliya ayaa kabaxay shirka, waxaan dhambaal deg deg ah la gaarsiiyey Villa Soomaaliya, taas oo ay safaarada Soomaaliya ku cadeynayso ficilada Kenya ee ka dhan ah madax banaanida dalka.

Kenya, xariirka ay la leedahay Soomaaliya ayaa xumaa 4-tii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay sababo la xariira kuxadgudubka Dhulka, Hawada iyo Badda Soomaaliyeed, taas oo ay Muqdisho kuhakisay xariirka kuna diiday ficilada Kenya ee hareer-marsan sharciyada caalamiga ah, waxayna Nairobi horey u doonaysay in ay qaadato qeyb kamid ah Badda Soomaaliya, taas oo aysan wali aqbalin go’aankii Maxkamadda.

This is the same guy we helped when his people where starving.

One thing is for sure the somalians will never show you mercy or any respect.

The Kenyans who own us nothing are more respectful and merciful.

"Receiving the Somaliland delegation at Mogadishu’s airport, the city’s governor and mayor, Mohamed Ahmed Nur Tarsan, said: “We are glad to receive the delegation from Somaliland, which is here in response to the humanitarian crisis. It is not the amount of their contribution that matters but their empathy is more important.”

Very interesting considering that Farmaajo is gone and Kenya was looking to reset it’s relationship with Mogadishu primarily to remove the Qat restrictions, which apparently was about to happen imminently (if it already hasn’t). Curious to see if this Tarzan character will keep his job.

Remember Larry Andre also visited the Somaliland office in Nairobi. No huffing and puffing then. Nor during Muse Bihi State visit to Ethiopia.

Tarzan is one of Farmaajo’s close supporters. So this is probably done to drag HSM into unnecessary diplomatic spat with Kenya. But I don’t think HSM is going to fall for it.

What do you think his move will be?