Somalia and the Joshua Effect By Abukar Arman

Somalia is already in a muted or a “stealth trusteeship” in
which U.K. still remains the country’s pen-holder or the official
gate-keeper of all Somalia related issues at the UN Security
Council. Granted, the formal trusteeship system was established
to help the Trust Territories (former colonies) attain the capacity
for self-determination and self-governance. This is good so
long as there is a trustee willing to help in capacity-building
and a trustee council providing the necessary supervision and
scrutiny. Once the UN Security Council agrees to such proposal,
a friendly country with proven goodwill toward Somalia will be
invited to serve as a trustor for a period of 4 years.2
In so many different ways—political, economic, educational, and in capacity building—Turkey has proven itself being a loyal strategic