Somalia's DP PM Khadar Guuleed (Mahdi) on 8th of Feb

Mahdi oo dhaqankii Hargeisa ee parlamaan iska fadhiya 15sano u xawilay Koonfurta Somalia.

Laakin reer Muqdisho ma ka aqbalayaan?

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Then what incentive does any incumbent have for holding elections on time or at all? Just like the previous two (the two Sheikhs) extended their tenure so will Monsieur Farmaajo unless of course he fixes the election. Either way he can afford to be on cruisecontrol while everybody else run around like headless chicken.

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It will be interesting if Farmaajo pulls this off as Mahdi is predicting.

I think it will end just like Col. Abdilahi Yusuf when he was forced to resign from Presidency by the Americans.