Somalia's upcoming elections (selection) will cost $40m

These people in Villa Somalia are so shameless. For here we have the money they want the IC to pay to them so that Farmaajo and Co. can get the chance to loot the selection process by literally bribing the clan elders with the money from the international community on top whatever they get from their financial backers in Qatar.

And things being this way, they actually think that the IC are going to dole out hard cash to disputed selection process of the kind they are having in mind in staging it in Somalia this coming year.

Like I said, these folks in Villa Somalia are prize winning shameless people. And they are indeed a sight to behold when they are in full flow of their self-serving mendacity of the kind in which Mr. Beileh is indulging in here.

They now think it will cost 29 million. They will be short of 3 million dollars even if the Arabs fork out the 12 million.

“Somalia can potentially raise $27.9 million if the Arab League contributes the $12 million requested by the foreign ministry. That scenario would leave Somalia just over $1 million shy of its total electoral budget.”