Somaliland Foreign Minister Essa Abdirahme Kayd and Special Envoy Edna Adan Ismail Conclude U.S. Visit

Somaliland Foreign Minister Essa Abdirahme Kayd and Special Envoy Edna Adan Ismail
Conclude U.S. Visit

Visit advances aframeworkfor Somaliland-U.S. cooperation as new concerns emerge regarding
security environment in the Horn of Africa

WASHINGTON, DC., NOVEMBER 24, 2021 - A high-level government delegation from the Republic
of Somaliland, led by Foreign Minister Essa Abdirahme Kayd and Special Envoy Edna Adan Ismail,
yesterday concluded a six-day visit to Washington, DC, and New York City, where they met with a
number oftop government officials, advocacy organizations, experts and academics focused on the
Horn ofAfrica. They also held community events with members ofthe Somaliland diaspora in the
Washington, DC area.

Foreign Minister Kayd and Special Envoy Adan provided updates on recent developments in
Somaliland and highlighted the growing need for closer ties with the United States given the many
areas ofmutual interest between the countries on economic, security and governance issues in the
Horn ofAfrica. The delegation also outlined the challenges that Somaliland continues to face as an
unrecognized nation, including acquiring COVID-19 vaccines from the international community,
and provided specific recommendations to advance cooperation between Somaliland and the
United States.

In Washington, DC, the delegation participated in a series of meetings with officials from the
National Security Council, Department of State, Department of Defense and U.S. Agency for
International Development. On Capitol Hill, they met with members and senior stafffrom the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and other relevant
committees. They also met with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the
United States and briefed experts from the Atlantic Council, American Enterprise Institute,
Jamestown Foundation, U.S. Institute of Peace, Wilson Center, American University, National
Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute and Freedom House. In New York,
the delegation participated in meetings with United Nations officials and experts on East Africa,
peacebuilding and democratic governance.

“Our visit was an important and timely opportunity to consult with American partners on a range of
regional issues that have drawn us closer together than ever before, including the fight against
terrorism and instability in neighboring countries,” said Foreign Minister Kayd. “To this end, we felt
a mutual interest with U.S. Government officials in exploring a framework for U.S.-Somaliland
cooperation that we look forward to building together.”

“For thirty years, Somaliland has been a beacon of democracy, security and steady economic
progress in an otherwise troubled region,” Special Envoy Adan added. “Our ability to sustain this
role will benefit greatly from the support ofthe United States and other like-minded allies.”

The Republic of Somaliland first gained independence and international recognition in 1960, and
soon thereafter joined with the former Italian Somalia to establish the state Somali Republic. Upon
dissolving this failed union in 1991, Somaliland reclaimed its national sovereignty and has
maintained a distinct and democratic government and economy and a secure and functioning
nation in an otherwise volatile environment, with its most recent local and parliamentary elections
occurring in May 2021.