Somaliland kickstarts it's nascent fishing industry

Somtuna Fishing Factory

Coming soon

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Is this a separate factory to the Dahabshiil one?

Good question. There isn’t much info on the Dahabshiil one apart from one Facebook post, so no idea if it actually exists! For all we know this could be it.

In terms of location if am not mistaken (which I could be) this factory is located east of Mansoor hotel near the boat factory the Somaliland Tourist visited last year. Berbera needs to separate zones for industrial, residential and commercial (tourist/hospitality).

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What about a salt factory. Surely there is ample demand.

Galmudug recently inaugurated this one.

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Looks like this is it!


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Very ambitious targets. If they can achieve that output, they will most certainly become one of the largest in the region.

Great employment figures and potential for serious multiplier effect for Somaliland economy. 50 million is serious investment fire power and not far off the 60 million that was touted to be invested into the new cement plant nearby.

Maydh jetty can now supply this factory direct via sea. We need more jetties to be built and take advantage of this factory which is in a good location.

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Waxaanu Xoojinaynaa Wax Soosaarka Dalka, Annaga Oo Ka faa’idaysanayna Badena Baxaadda Wayn.

Innaga oo xeeb dheer leh, haddana kalluunka qasacadaysan waa la innoo soo dhoofin jiray waligeen dibada. Shirkadda Somtuna ayaa markii ugu horraysay Berbera keentay warshaddii lagaga maarmi lahaa. Durba waxa ka shaqo-galay boqollaal dhalinyaro ah . Waxa maanta haayadda tayaddu shirkaddaas guddoonsiiyay shahaadada tayada ka dib markii ay qiimeeyeen.

Dhawaan ayaa suuqyadeena la keenidoonnaa kalluun aynu leenahaye ka dherga.