Somaliland Opposition parties name Mayors for Burco and Hargeisa

UCID and Waddani have agreed to elect two members from UCID local council as Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Burco.

  1. Mayor of Burco: Cabdirizaaq Ibrahim Cabdi (Hero)
  2. Deputy Mayor: Dr. Mukhtaar Cabdi Maxamoud (Baaryare)

Hargeisa’s hotly contested mayor seat is now almost certainly going to Abdikarin Ahmed Mooge.

The main challenger was UCID’s Saeed Cabdisamed (Cudhey). Cudhey at last minute decided to support Mooge’s bid.

Hargeisa’s deputy Mayor is coming from UCID.

The most interesting local government tussle is happening in Berbera.

Current Mayor Ciddin is facing the biggest challenge yet.

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Refreshing to see they’re all from a much younger generation than what we have been used to in the past!

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I support Ciddin to return as mayor of Berbera. He has done commendable job during his first term.

However, it looks like it is going to be very hotly contested.

I don’t know much about the other fella, so cant decide. No doubt Ciddin has done well, but there is so much room for improvement but that’s just me from my armchair. We seem to compare him to other mayors in SL, which isn’t the best yardstick to begin with! I liked that engineer guy who ran for Hargeisa mayor who came up short. People into town planning, sewage and drainage systems, traffic lights etc etc.

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It looks like Abdikarin will become Mayor of Hargeisa unopposed.

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