Somaliland President on official visit to Kenya

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Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi


President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to host Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi at State House in Nairobi on Monday for talks on mutual interests.

The talks will focus on how to bolster security and economic and social interactions between the two countries.

Kenya is treating Somaliland as “an important partner in the Horn of Africa region in the fight against terrorism and particularly al Shabaab.”

In a statement to newsrooms, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Kenya takes cognizance of the political and economic stability of the region.

“…and is keen to enhance and broaden trade in goods and services, as well as, investment as the cornerstone for development cooperation within the region,” the statement said.

Nairobi is seeking stronger ties in the banking and financial sectors to accelerate more investment opportunities.

Among the issues in the cooperation is to introduce direct flights connecting Nairobi and Hargeisa to enhance trade and movement.

“Kenya is keen to strengthen information sharing on security particularly in countering terrorism. Kenya and Somaliland will work together to achieve these aspirations,” the MFA said.

Nairobi, sources said, appears to be keen on working with the five autonomous states bordering Somalia to beat the roadblocks mounted by Mogadishu.

Muse is expected to meet a number of leaders among them ODM supremo Raila Odinga.

The Somaliland President’s visit comes at a time Nairobi is having a strained relationship with Mogadishu, arising from claims of interference with elections in Jubaland.

Somalia ordered the expulsion of Kenya’s ambassador in the latest dispute which Mogadishu attributed to President of Jubaland reneging on an election agreement reached in September.

Somalia has also banned the sale of miraa from Kenya in Mogadishu following the strained relations, hurting the earnings of farmers depending on the crop.

Recently, the neighbouring country revoked visas on arrival for Kenyans citing the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: The Star

Harun Maruf is reporting that Somalia has cut diplomatic ties with neighbouring Kenya.

Somaliland, Somalia in war of words as Uhuru hosts Muse Bihi