Taiwain International Cooperation & Development Fund (ICDF) in Somaliland

The International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF) is dedicated to boosting socio-economic development, enhancing human resources and promoting economic relations in a range of developing partner countries. We also offer humanitarian assistance and provide aid in the event of natural disasters or international refugee crises.

To carry out our mission, we offer a range of assistance that centers on four core operations: lending and investment, technical cooperation, humanitarian assistance, and international education and training. Our Fund is used to make direct or indirect investments and to finance lending and credit guarantee operations. Revenues generated by the Fund are used to support our bilateral or multilateral technical cooperation projects, humanitarian assistance operations and education and training.

Every new project from the TaiwanICDF proceeds according to a rigorous project cycle and is backed by mutual covenants signed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. Our projects are designed to address the strategic development goals of each of our partner countries, pay due consideration to associated regional trends, and maximize results by employing the right combination of capital and technical cooperation.

Ultimately, our work is tailor-made to the local needs of each partner country. Our assistance covers a variety of contemporary development issues such as environmental protection, public health, agriculture, education and information and communications technology.

We are also acting to improve human resources and build institutional capacity at the TaiwanICDF itself. We believe that as a stronger, more professional organization, we will be better placed to advise decision-making bodies within our government. Efforts to improve our own organization will also help us to deepen the coverage of our projects and transfer technological know-how on to our partners. We aspire to making the most effective use of manpower and resources, and replicating and adapting successful experiences from one partner country to another.

The TaiwanICDF is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. As of December 31, 2013, we have 116 domestic employees and 163 staff working at overseas missions.

Lending & Investments - One of the achiles heel of Somaliland’s lack of recognition. The ICDF could act as a mini IMF & World Bank rolled into one!

Waxa booqosho rasmi ah noogu yimi wefti ballaadhan oo ka socday ‘TaiwanICDF’ oo ah Sanduuqa Horumarinta iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah ee Taiwan. Mas’uuliyiinta ugu sarraysa shirkadda ayaa soo dhawayn u sameeyay, sidoo kalena warbixinno ka siiyay adeegyada iyo kaabayaasha shirkadda. Weftiga waxa booqosho (tour) lagu soo mariyay qaybo ka mid ah xafiisyada, si ay u arkaan shaqada culus ee ay shirkaddu dalka u hayso. Weftigan waxa aad u soo jiitay heerka tiknoolajiyadeed ee ay Telesom gaadhay, gaar ahaan adeegga ZAAD iyo kaalinta uu kaga jiro horumarka iyo dhaqaalaha bulshada.
Waxa kale oo ay aad uga heleen wada-shaqaynta ay shirkaddu la leedahay Dawladda, hay’adaha Caalamiga ah, kuwa maxaliga ah iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Waxyaabaha kale ee soo jiitay waxa ka mid ah sida ay Telesom uga faa’iidaysatay tamarta dabiiciga ah (Green Energy).
Gabogabadii weftigu waxa ay codsadeen in shirkaddu kala shaqayso barnaamijyada horumarineed ee ay hadda dalka ka wadaan iyo kuwa soo socda.