The Changing American Political Lanscape & Its impacts on HoA region



Good talk. There is a lot of strategical change coming with the Biden’s Administration, especially in it’s competition with China in Africa.

More to the point, thinking in the Washington’s think tanks had it that some kind of “democratic umbrella” is what Biden’s folks will try to get it off the ground.

Particularly in the sense of creating a “leagues of democracies” in every region around the world. Whereby, these nations could then be expected to strategically bandwagon on the back of the leadership of the US when it comes to its Geopolitical competition with China. It’s a replica version of the old cold war between the USA and the then USSR.

Hence, we in Somaliland really need to do that parliamentary and local elections in this year. And it’s good news that it had been pencilled to take place in May of this year.

And we need to do that just to burnished our “democratic credentials”, and therefore take advantage of that incoming strategical shift in the US thinking across the world in regards to Africa in particular.

It really a good chance for us in Somaliland to break through from the “locked-in indifference” in which the western’s powers-that-be had assigned us, while also supporting endlessly the failed political experiment that is the present day Somalia under the UN’s Trusteeship.