UCID's Dr. Hibaq Abyan builds her own house in Hargeisa

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Grand design SL style

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Grand Design was one of my fav. TV shows.

Dr. Hibaq is living my dream. Good on her.

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The house is coming along very nicely. She has good taste in music too.

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Can’t wait for the big windows!

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Stunning build, but keeping those windows clean on the other hand could be interesting!

Those windows are the anti-Hargeisa. Normally Hargeisa buildings have a prison like windows complete with the rebar reinforcement. The local Hargeisaawi also hate the sun light too, all the windows are covered with 100% light blocking curtains.

Anyway, it is turning out to be a really nice build.

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They have gone further than using heavy curtains to block windows, now they are blocking them with furniture!

Using lights in the middle of the day when electricity prices are so high is just silly. Also winter months are cold in Hargeisa with non insulated houses, what little heat that the sun would have provided is blocked out!

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