Waaheen Market redevelopment should look into Isfahan City for inspirations

Isfahan’s Naqsh-e Jahan Square & Bazaar is a world renown architecturally one of the best.

If Hargeisa’s Waaheen market is designed after this square, then Hargeisa would inherit a beautiful market with park and open spaces in the middle of the city. Something the city lacks today.

This should be a 10 or 20 year work, but the overall design should be based on this bazaar in Isfahan. Temporary housing should be developed today but gradually into permanent bazaar that is architecturally and aesthetically appealing.

Google Earth now has an updated satellite imagery of Hargeisa’s Waaheen market.

Budapest’s Central Market Hall

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The final design has been approved not sure what to think of it to be honest

I think it is not the best but also is not the worse.

Does it include a Park? b/c the city centre desperately needs a park.

No parks as far as I can see, just another concrete jungle. To me it just looks like another mall, a more modern at that.

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I thought their design was the better one.

Looks more ambitious. Surprised at the Sudan connection, would have thought the UAE with their gazillion malls and connection to Somaliland might have got it. But then we would never hear the end of it.

I like local architectural firms especially Rio, but am relieved a project of this scale went to a foreign firm with more experience of large scale projects.

Sure projects never end up looking like the actual render but for projects like this people could over promise and under deliver!



I actually like the final project but it doesn’t look much like the render. Not blaming the architect as it could be budget constraints that led to the differences.

This formula doesn’t seem to be a fair compensation formula.

For example, the person who lost $5000 will get $5000 (100%). While the person who got $5001 (just one dollar more) will get $1250.25 (25% of the lost). And so on and so forth.

A better formula would have been a sliding-scale compensation.

73 - $5000 = 100%
5000 - 10,000 = $2500 + 50% of lost value
10 - 20,000 = $7500 + 25% of lost value
20 - 50,000 = $12500 + 20% of lost value
50 - 100,000 = $ 22500 + 10% of lost value
100 - 480,000 = $32500 + 5% of lost value

Using the above formula, someone who lost $5001 will get $5000.5 cents

While someone who lost 480,000 will get $56,500 as opposed to $48,000 in the existing formula.

I think the problem with that is how many people fall into the 480,000 range. They just say 1016 traders fall into the 5001- 480,000 range, which is huge range without a breakdown. Imagine if 80% fall into the 480,000 range. Doubt they have the budget for it.