World Bank Report on Somalia Cities (They included Somaliland - lots of errors)

The number of errors and factually in correct statements is mindboggling. How could they get away with this?

Absolute disgrace. Clearly heavily influenced by certain groups. I gave up when read Las Caanood is divided between Somaliland and Puntland and Ceerigaabo is disputed on their maps. Imagine not finding Burco in any of their tables or maps for population or commercial data but finding Garowe!

Precisely why SL has to kick all hayaado out, they cook up data to suit their agenda and justifying their presence. The sooner SL weans itself of NGO’s and other aid the better.

Lax Walba Meesha Ay Is Dhigto Baa Lagu Qalaa!

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Crazy. I think it is high time the gov’t establishes an office that monitors and critics these sort of reports.

One of the main set backs for Somaliland since Kulmiye came to the governance is that they have shutdown all the think tanks. There was a time when Hargeisa had the best 3 think-tanks in the Somali regions. That is no more. All the funding has been cut. All the projects have been diverted to inept ministries. Total negligence.

I’ll give an example of the sinister ways aid is tied to policies.

Remember this story

Trademark East Africa has contracted Transtec to perform a Baseline and an Endline Study of the Berbera Corridor in Somaliland. The study will provide a robust baseline and end line evidence and indicators on existing traffic conditions along the Berbera Corridor, which will inform planned interventions to meet current and predicted future demand and track progress on programme outputs as the Berbera corridor is developed.

Transtec is partnering with Ayaah Consulting and Sadar Institute for the implementation of this key study for Somaliland.

Who are Sadar Institute?

So Trademark East Africa (UK, DFID) are contributing 25 million to the Hargeisa Bypass part and Wajaale border crossing preparedness, are hiring consultants from Mogadishu to " provide a robust baseline and end line evidence and indicators on existing traffic conditions along the Berbera Corridor ".

Are there no consultants in Somaliland?

Aayah consulting happens to be based in Uganda.