Somalia enters constitutional crisis

Well, it seems there is no such thing called International Community after all. It is all a patchwork of competing interests circles. And it seems Farmaajo has found a way to play one against the other.

In any case, Halane has painted itself in a corner and will most likely give this extension a blind eye.

What is becoming apparently clear is that there is no opposition to speak off in Mogadishu. They are individuals without real effective base.

And Farmaajo is using both carrots and sticks very well.

Ahmed Madoobe is a dead man walking. Farmaajo has enmassed enough troops to kick him out of Kismaayo. The only wildcard in this calculation is how resolved the Kenyans are in helping Ahmed Madoobe.

Somalia : Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the current political situation

Brussels, 13/04/2021 - 17:01, UNIQUE ID: 210413_4

Statements by the HR/VP

Yesterday, the Lower House of the Somali Parliament voted to a de-facto extension of the mandate of the President and the Federal government by two years following the impasse on the electoral process which should have been finalised by 8 February 2021. This action undermines the longstanding effort, supported by the EU and the international community, to rebuild Somalia through consensus.

The international community, including the EU, have repeatedly and publicly expressed that we could under no circumstances accept an extension of the government mandate, or any partial or parallel process related to the elections, without the agreement of the parties to the 17 September electoral agreement. The European Union believes that the passage and signing of this resolution will divide Somalia, impose additional delays and constitute a grave threat to the peace and stability of Somalia and its neighbours. It certainly does not serve the interests of the people of Somalia.

We call for an immediate return to talks on the holding of elections without delay based on the September 17 agreement. Failing this, the EU will consider further concrete measures.

Meeks and McCaul Statement on the Election Crisis in Somalia

April 13, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Gregory W. Meeks and Michael McCaul, Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement in response to the lower house of the Somali parliament voting to extend President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s term by two years:

“We are deeply concerned by recent developments surrounding Somalia’s elections, particularly the legislation to extend President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s (Farmaajo) mandate by two years. This action erodes the federalism process and undermines the pursuit of democracy and stability in Somalia. If the mandate extension moves forward, the United States must re-evaluate our assistance and our relationship with the Federal Government of Somalia and consider imposing sanctions against those who impede the democratic process. We call on the Somali government to renew negotiations to resolve this crisis and return to the September 2020 electoral framework. The United States stands with the Somali people and will continue to support credible efforts to advance democracy and peace in Somalia.”

“In the absence of consensus leading to inclusive and credible elections being held without further delay, the international community’s relationship with Somalia’s leadership will change. The UK will work with its international partners on a common approach to re-evaluate our relationship and the nature of our assistance to Somalia.”

A very strong statement from the US Gov’t

“Somalia term extension will compel US to reevaluate bilateral relations with the Federal Govt of Somalia, to include diplomatic engagement and assistance, and to consider all available tools, including sanctions and visa restrictions, statement”

Farmaajo made one of the worst policy blunders in Somali politics! The opposition keeping a low profile letting him take all the heat. The west will now start dealing with willing states and give direct support rather than through Mogadishu. Its the end of his centralization escapade. Literally isolated himself in Villa Somalia even more than thought possible. Notice how non of the statements rebuking his extension, mention territorial integrity or sovereignty or unity like the 1 million statements pre-extension.

Farmaajo’s attempt to put up a brave face.

Astonishing doubling down.

Uusmiir And Suldaanka,

Guys, hope both of you are fine and dandy. I have been dealing with the passing of my late father recently. And I didn’t have much mind to pay attention to the usual politics of the Horn of Africa or Somalis in particular. However here is my two pence worth of it (as it were).

1 - I have hope and a fear. And it’s this. The hope is that finally the international community (IC) especially the western’s part, will see through how throughout the time they were babysitting Somalia, the sharks and the political wolves of Somalia, who passed themselves off as elites and leaders there, especially Cheeseman in particularly were gaming them and were as usual fleecing them as the western’s powers. And in that sense, my hope is that finally that the IC will see that what the leaders or alleged leaders in Somalia’s were telling them was nothing but a way to have the IC to shore them up in security sense. Whilst on the other hand the leaders like Cheeseman proceeded to implement their original plan of power grab in which he had all along.

And my hope is that now that the IC had woke up to his “political duplicity” they will come hard on him. And they will do that to the point that they will sanction him and those who supported him, as well. They will also take their western’s football of the “recognition of his government” away from him. And they will act in a decisive manner against him before things gets worse for Somalia’s failing experiment of state building.

That is my hope.

Now to my fear part.

2 - The fear part is that the US had been “spooked” by the Chinese and Russians aggressive moves in Africa. And how these two global superpowers had threatened a UNSC veto on Somalia within this year. And that veto (from both of them or even from one of them) if it comes will really complicates the US and western’s agenda of keeping Somalia under the “UNSC’s guardianship” till the state-building is complete. And if it comes to the idea of the FGS of Somalia using the protection of the Chinese and Russia veto at the UNSC, which could be the case if the west pushes too much of Cheeseman, then that means Somalia could well be in another country in Africa that had fallen to the Chinese and to the Russia sphere of influence in Africa.

And that in effect will end the US and western’s agenda of securing the oils prospect of Somalia particularly in the offshore sector. And it will also mean the Somalia’s long indian ocean sea line will be another prime Geostrategical areas in Africa that had fallen to the Chinese. Particularly if Cheeseman in order to save his political skin in the international stage and in the estimation of the local politics of Somalia, jump ship decisively to Chinese’s side in this new cold war between the west and east in the form of the Chinese’s side.

Hence, the upshot of that way of reading things may well mean that the West had it’s diplomatic cards being nullified. Or their political bluff has being called by a certain Cheeseman of all people. It will be amazing feat if that turn out to be the case in here.

Which means if I am right (and I hope to God that I am wrong in my analysis) that the west is acting through with what could amount to nothing less than a “double talk” sort of self-serving act. And by that I mean they will go with the motion of denouncing him and making all sort of empty talk about Mr. Cheeseman latest power grab. But at heart of it they will accept it in deeds. Provided the local security of the place and in Mogadishu in particular do not gets to be blown off in this standoff.

And given that the local opposition in Mogadishu are not an “impressive bunch” who have a military muscle to take him on in Villa Somalia, then I fear the west will simply keep on making noises-off about how they are against what he did from Villa Somalia. But in actual policies they will quietly work with him in the hope he will stay put and will stay with them on their western’s diplomatic column. And not join the likes of China or Russia and then handover Somalia indian ocean sea lines (which is very important to the US Geostrategical Indo-pacific posture in this new cold war 2.0) to the likes of China.

This is my deep fear, guys. Let’s hope I am wrong. But as both of you know the US just got a cut-and-run away from Afghanistan, even when they already know that the Taliban will be taking over a week after the day their last soldier leave Kabul. Hence, such a retreating power is not one which can afford to lose ground to China in Africa. Given that the the bulk of Africa is now effectively a Chinese’s owned territorial landscape.

And add that also the fact that US is also gave up any pretense of forcing Mr. Abiy Ahmed to treat the Tigray issue with decent hand after Mr. Abiy Ahmed told Senator Chris Coons, who Mr. Biden send him there, that if Americans push Ethiopia too far he will then side with China.

And as both of you know, Ethiopia is one of the last big African states that is yet to completely fall under Chinese’s sphere of influence. Like South Africa and Nigeria, who are African states where Chinese’s diplomatic and political say-so is far more decisively influential than anything the west says. Given that economically speaking, both of these two big Africans states are tied at the hip with China much more than they are with west in general or with the Americans in particular.

Sorry about rambling on a bit. But, that is how I see things. Namely a hope that the west can still help the situation in Somalia. And a fear that the west will side with him, Cheeseman, in acts and in deeds of diplomatic kind. Although, they may still denounce him through their media organs. Or even at twitter, as Mr. Anthony Blinken and the US’s state department have been doing in the last few days.

What you think, guys?

As for SL, the “fear part”, or the analysis that follows from that part if such an outcome holds for Somalia will be deadly to us, as you both can see easily through, or work through it. However the “hope part”, or the analysis that follows the hopeful part that I had sketched out in here is good outcome for SL. Hence all the more reason I deeply hope that part of my analysis that is the “hope part” is what will hold or at least will pan out for Somalia.

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Inna Lillahi wa inna Ilayhi Rajioon. May Allah grant him Jannat-ul-firdos and his family patience.

Sorry to hear your lost sxb Ibrahim. Ilaahay naxariisti jano ha ka waraabiyo Aabo. Samir iyo iiman.

Looks like IC has summoned Farmaajo back to the Afisyooni. This time, they are not joking. It is a final nail on the coffin moment.


Bro, I really hope that they will read to him - a word for word - what will happen to him, personally. Especially in sanctions terms and in terms of legal consequences.

And they should remind him that if he were to refused their helpful entireties, then, he would in that case experience nothing less that what the likes of certain Mr. Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan have had to experienced in his last few years in power. Given that Mr. Al-Bashir eventually ended up at ICC when the Western’s powers told him to stop. And he, of course, had refused and continued on to do his tyrannical acts in Sudan till the day he was deposed by popular forces and then ended up all the same as a “reluctant guest” of the ICC.

You see, bro, so long as Mr. Cheeseman thinks foolishly that the Russians and the Chinese will protect him at the UNSC. And so long as he thinks that he has enough money from Qatar and enough few thousand trained soldiers (who are loyal to him) from Turkey to which to “intimidate” the local folks of Mogadishu and the opposition folks of that city. Then he will continue to think that he is really “untouchable”. And to boot, he will continue in his political merry way around, with a sheer indifference to anyone else opinion.

This is the notion and the idea which needs to be “disabused” from him. Just so that he will know how “weak” the political cards in which he is banking on it are, genuine. At least in the sense of how weak those political cards of his are in the light of the political, financial, and legal powers in which others in the west have in their possession and could indeed deploy against him, if they want to do it.

Hence, unless and until the western’s powers left him in no doubt in his dictatorial mind that he is going to get a whole lot of world of personal and legal pain as a consequences of his current and foolish political action, he will continue on in this idiotic action of his. That I have no doubt about it.

I really think this is last chance saloon for the western’s powers in Somalia. For if they fail in here, then ever tinpot-dictator or wannabe-dictator in Africa will simply say: aha, so this is how you call the “bluff” of the western’s world when they insist that you do a rule of law and a democratic process in your country. And more to the point you also basically threaten them to join China and Russia. Or you ask them to “shield” you and your wretched country at the UNSC, if the west do so much in pushing you in any democratic direction in which you do not want to travel to.

Let’s hope now that it’s the time they have finally realized how foolish they have been in indulging him and feeding him, political and diplomatically, all these past four (4) years. So it’s now or never for Somalia.

Hence, I hope to God that these western’s powers who supported him with their collective actions thus far will now act and act decisively against him.

Constructive meeting with @KhadarGulaid discussing current political situation. Reaffirmed that the UK :uk: will not support term extensions. Emphasised the importance of an urgent return to a consensus-based electoral model.

This was a tweet by the UK ambassador in Somalia. So it looks the british government is taking a tough line in here.

I think, politically, speaking the melt-down of the glorified NGO in Villa Somalia is a good outcome for Somaliland.

The International Community prematurely recognised a government-in-name only as the sole governing body of Somalia (which includes SL). It was only time that this backfired on their faces, and boy, has that been the case this time round.

I am very much sure that many of them are reassessing their rosy sugar-coated glorious reporting, including the UN.

Somaliland government’s recent press release was a timely one. But I think they need to go further. They need to sound alarm particularly moving the ICAO funded Somali Air Space Control from Mogadishu to Hargeisa - at least if sh*t hits fan - ICAO will not transfer it to Nairobi as happened in 1992.